Our pricing plans are simple and cost-effective.
Last updated
Our pricing plans are simple and cost-effective.
Last updated
Unlimited wishlist customers
Up to 1000 wishlist customers
Unlimited wishlist customers
Single or multiple wishlists
Single wishlist per customer
Single or multiple wishlists
Shopify Flow triggers
Shopify Flow triggers
Shopify Flow Triggers
Checkout Upsell widget
Checkout Upsell widget
For development stores only
Price: Free forever
Price: $22 per month
Price: $48 per month
We don't believe in charging you more just because you are on a more expensive Shopify plan. However some of our features are unlocked only for stores using Shopify Plus, including:
Checkout Widget - allow customers to add direct to their order from the checkout
Shopify B2B wishlists
Account Extensibility (coming soon)
for discounted pricing if you have multiple Shopify stores. We are happy to provide extended free trials for staging and development stores too.